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Grant Work + Residencies

From 2019-23, I was a member of the Pulse Lab ABLE project. Directed by Pulse PI, Dr. Paula Gardner, Arts-Based therapies to encourage Longevity in Elderly participants (ABLE), is a collaborative open-source, accessible online gaming platform for older adults with dementia and their care networks. I initially joined the design team as a research assistant in user-centered design. In 2021, I was promoted to ABLE’s project manager. In this role, I support gameplay (supporting interface design and writing user-experience flows, development of artificial intelligence technologies), writing (conference proceedings, technical writing, grant writing), and community outreach. I was also a member of the initial trainee cohort of the NSERC-CREATE-funded Smart Mobility in Aging Populations (sMAP) fellowship.


In 2021, I was a Graduate Resident with the Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship, where I conducted a critical qualitative project on ableism in Instagram platform moderation and disabled creators' organizational strategies.

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